This post is going to be pretty boring. Mainly because I am talking about the first piecaken I've ever made. Mostly because I forgot to take pictures as I was making it. I know...that sucks. I promise I will take pics of the next one. I SWEAR. We are getting prepared to move next weekend and I've been stressed about it and forgot. Ugh.
Anyway. I made a piecaken. What is a piecaken you ask? It's a pie (of any type) baked into a cake (of any type)....whole. I made one with a cherry pie inside a chocolate cake and it turned out pretty damn good. At least everyone who tried it liked it. It's really easy to make also:
Step 1: Obtain box of cake mix of any variety (and the eggs, water, oil etc you need to make it)
Step 2: Obtain a whole pie (or make a whole pie and bake it)
Step 3: Heat oven at temperature listed on cake mix box
Step 4: Spray and flour a springform pan of the round variety bigger than the pie
Step 5: Prepare cake mix and pour 2 cups of it into the bottom of the springform pan
Step 6: Place entire whole pie in the bottom of the springform pan on top of the cake mix
Step 7: Pour the rest of the cake mix over the pie, making sure it's completely covered.
Step 8: Bake until cake is done (will probably take longer than listed due to the pie being in there)
Step 9: Once piecaken has cooled you can frost it if you want to
Step 10: Cut it in half so you can see how cool it looks and display for consumption
Step 11: Enjoy!
Made jello brains in a mold too....those didn't work out too well as they lost shape upon removal from the mold. We kept it to eat anyway cause cherry jello is yummy!
Let me know if you attempt a piecaken and how it turned out!
Signing off 22:50